There is freedom from the emotional wounds of your abortion.
Abortion is devastating and leaves a lasting impact on your heart, but it is not unforgivable.
Many believe that they are forgiven, but cannot forgive themselves.
Jesus has come to give you freedom from your abortion wounded heart.
We are here to help you experience that freedom.
Since 2008, we’ve led hundreds of retreats that helped women and men just like you experience healing and lasting freedom.
The only thing that bothered me was that it didn’t bother me
At 21-years-old, Shann’s girlfriend was pregnant. He quickly made the crisis pregnancy all about himself and erected a barrier between his heart and the truth. At the Deeper Still retreat, God pursued and rescued his heart from a place he didn’t realize had been held captive.

Your life could change in one weekend.
Getting away from the busyness of life is the best way to find hope and healing.
We do that through Deeper Still Retreats throughout the year all across the country.
Every retreat is:
Free of charge
Led by people who have been where you are
A safe and confidential environment
Upcoming Retreats
Men also carry the wounds of abortion.
You’ve always been told abortion is a women’s issue. Whether you had a choice or not, you are still a father and your heart matters. Freedom from the wounds of abortion is also for you.
Taking the first step is the hardest part.
If you reach out, we’ll take your hand, and walk right beside you through the entire weekend.

Attend a retreat
We know there is more to your story than your abortion(s). Come be seen, heard, accepted and loved well by people who have walked similar paths in a safe and welcoming environment.

Trust the process
God wants to tenderly walk you through your painful past into the healing and hope He has for you today and for the future! Be encouraged! He always shows up and meets you right where you are, with exactly what is needed.

Experience healing and lasting freedom
In just 3 short days – one weekend away – as you trust in Him, your life will literally be transformed by the power of His great love for you!
Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.
It’s time to find the freedom you long for.

Healing the Hurt that Won’t Heal:
Freedom for the Abortion-Wounded and Help for the Church They Fear
In this book, Deeper Still’s founder Karen Ellison details how to start to find healing for those who have been wounded by abortion and how the Church must help.

The Abortion Wounded Church:
Developing a Culture of Healing for the Abortion Wounded
The Abortion Wounded Church seeks to equip and empower pastors and church leaders to confidently and effectively help women and men in their churches who are silently suffering with the wounds of abortion.